Research project/ report contribution

 1. Read about existing plant rearing devices through secondary research such as browsing online platforms that sells these plant rearing devices. With the information, I have a general idea of the limitations of current designs. This allows us to improve it by integrating the required features/solutions into our device.

2. Wrote on the current existing plant rearing devices such as Kollea Reliable Automatic Watering System and the Click and Grow Smart Garden 9 PRO in the report. 

3. Research about Click and Grow's current app that is integrated into the Smart Garden. Downloaded the app on the google playstore to do a "playtest" on its features. Afterwards, I wrote about the companion app to highlights its pros and cons and what can be improved. With the limitations in mind, we can have a general idea of how our app can benefit users.

4. Researched about soil moisture and pH sensors that are currently in the market to determine if it is suitable to integrate it into our PlantBonne system.

5. Wrote on both soil pH and moisture sensors and suggested them as the proposed solution in the report.

Revised 20/11/23


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Cephas for the detailed explanation, and for all your effort.


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